Megalithic is a dark Sci-Fi adventure that takes you on a journey across the unknown universe. Explo...
Megalithic is a dark Sci-Fi adventure that takes you on a journey across the unknown universe. Explore the vastness of Megalithic as you desperately seek to find a way out. Your orders were to collect the ancient relic and bring it back to earth but unfortunately, things didnt go according to your plan. You are now lost inside a world of hunted Megalithic structures that were built by an alien civilization. Your only hope for survival now is to solve the ancient alien puzzle as you travel across the unknown universe.WHAT IS MEGALITHIC:The Megalithic world consists of huge stone-like structures, combined with alien technology. Megalithic structures are hunted by the souls of the dead and youll never know what lurks in the dark shadows of Megalithic. Also, keep your ears open for any unusual sounds. Voices of the dead can reveal important parts of the puzzle. Keep in mind that finding your way out in the vastness of Megalithic is not an easy task. Use hints or any kind of clues to help you to deal with your quest. VEHICLES:You were given two vehicles both of which have unique capabilities. You must use a combination of both in order to unlock the gates and travel across the uncharted universe. Walker is a heavy robot machine that can move slow or fast. Moving Walker backward will move the machine forward. Navigating Walker forward will move the robot forward but at a much greater speed. Since some levels can be extremely huge in size you might consider using Walker which will help you to find the way out faster. Keep in mind that the Walker robot can only move on flat terrain so deploying Debbie can help you overcome the problem. Walker robot can also glide along with the electromagnetic current omitted by Megalithic structures. The current can not be seen its invisible. You can only detect the current while gliding on electromagnetic waves. The Walker will sustain consistent height by locking itself onto the magnetic wave. You can glide unlimited distances without losing any altitude. Just make sure you stay on the path of the magnetic wave. A slight miss alignment with the electromagnetic wave and the Walker will rapidly start losing altitude. Also keep in mind that on steep terrains, the preferred vehicle is Debbi rather than a Walker machine. Debbie can access areas where Walker cant move. Use your strategy by using a combination of both Walker and Debbie vehicles to get a better orientation of your position inside Megalithic structures. Walker sits higher above the ground and has a wider vision of the area rather than Debbie the remote robot. However, you will solemnly need to navigate Debbie the robot in order to access key areas of Megalithic structures in order to open the gates to the next level. Debbie the robot is also equipped with a heavy machine gun in case you encounter dark entities that hunt Megalithicals structures. Sometimes switch-like mechanisms can only be activated by Debbit the robot by simply shooting into the megalithic switch. Try shooting into Star Portal in order to activate its function. Travel across the Galaxies every time you unlock the level and get closer to your goal which is to return safely back to earth. Are you ready to solve the ancient puzzle of Megalithic? If so then teleport inside the hunted world of the unknown and witness a message from an alien world. See you on the other side of the Star Portal. Good luck!